Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Myth of Daycare Germs

I've got strep throat for the third time since Lucas started daycare and I returned to work.

Everyone warned us. Once Lucas was in daycare, we were going to be the sickest we have ever been - exposed to a whole host of germs.

There is a problem with this theory. My husband hasn't been sick once since Lucas started daycare. Every once in a while he's a little tired or achy, but he hasn't had to stay home from work.

Meanwhile, I'm on my third bout of strep, with a few cough/cold symptoms thrown in here or there for good measure. This is making me think that daycare is getting a bad rap.

I realized that I been in a cocoon for a year, spending most of my time with Lucas or my husband, with various infrequent visits with friends and family. But now I have returned to a hot bed of germs - the workplace. After working non-stop for almost 10 years, I regularly had fought off illnesses, but the year of maternity leave took me out of the circuit. All of a sudden, I'm back at square one.

Something to think about when blaming daycare for bringing home sickness - it's likely the person in the office next door that's to blame. I shake my fist at you!