Sunday, March 27, 2011

How Time Flies

It's been almost three months since my last post. At last check, our family was still reeling from my husband's hockey injury, having a not-so-restful holiday season and I was settling into a rather heavy routine of being primarily responsible for Lucas.

Now my husband is back on his feet (with a little limp), Lucas is as happy as ever, and I'm...well, I'm exhausted.

My body told me this week to take it down a notch, as I was the sickest I had been in months, with a fever and infection that necessitated a trip to the doctor and antibiotics. If I hadn't gotten sick, who knows if I would've stopped to take a breath.

It was while I was forced to rest that I realized that moving at such a high speed through my life, I've missed those little things that make life worth living. Lucas has learned so many words, but I race through his bedtime because I know the red light on my Blackberry is flashing with items I must respond to. I sometimes sleep the evening away because my energy level is shot (and it's not another pregnancy!).

So this weekend, I slowed down. I spent some quality time with my little man and his Grandma. We sang songs and took a trip to the library. Then when my husband returned home from his business trip, we went for brunch at our favourite family restaurant and watched some of our favourite shows together this evening.

I'm sure that little red light is still flashing. But it can wait.