Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Perils of Potty Training

We have begun potty training full force in our house so if you are in any way squeamish and do not want to hear about the ups and downs of potty training, thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you come back soon, but I would navigate away now.

We introduced the ever popular froggy potty when Lucas was 18 months old. No pressure. Just had it in the bathroom. He liked to sit on it and when he sat on it without his diaper, he would often pee, much to our delight. Then going on the potty became a pre-bath ritual.

His daycare provider mentioned that he was getting ready but he's stubborn, so if we pushed him, he could regress. So we just continued to ask about the potty, introducing different rewards systems which included stickers, gummy bears, mini marshmallows etc. Even Magic Santa told Lucas that his challenge for the upcoming year (2012) was to learn how to use the toilet. All of these things worked intermittently. Lucas even wanted us to call Santa when he went on the potty.

But it was time to move things forward. We had been stuck in potty limbo for at least six months, unsure of when to pull the trigger. Until last week.

I was shopping at Winner's and came across a very special Thomas train set. Knapford Station. Lucas is always pretending his trains are going through Knapford Station. A plan began to form.

On Thursday morning, beside our living room fireplace was a wrapped gift and a letter from Santa. It seems Santa had received my email that Lucas needed some encouragement to make the jump to big boy underwear. So Santa had sent along a special present when Lucas learns to go on the potty all the time and no longer needs to wear Pull-Ups.

There were tears and requests to open the present right away, but we stood by Santa's letter. Lucas was disappointed and angry. I thought my master plan had failed.

About 10 minutes later as I was preparing for my work day, Lucas came upstairs. He was asking to put on big boy underwear!

After a few accidents on Thursday and Friday, a very patient Grandma (who was looking after him Thursday) and encouragement from Mommy and Daddy, Lucas hasn't had any pee accidents in four days. He pipes up "PEE!" when he feels the urge to go, and can manage to hold it till we find a bathroom (case and point yesterday during lunch at the Science Centre). He even stays dry for periods at a time, like a trip to the grocery store or park.

I woke this morning to find he hadn't gone during the night and went on the potty in the morning. He just woke up from his nap completely dry. I feel like we hit the jackpot!

But we're not at the finish line yet. We've still got a poo problem but I'll take this little victory. We've got little poo presents - he will get to open one each time he goes on the potty. I'll keep you posted if it does the trick.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Anniversary

No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye.
You were gone before we knew it and only God knows why.

Love you always,
Mommy XO