Friday, December 7, 2012

Breathing Room

This fall was very busy. Business was booming which kept me bouncing between projects and tasks. I thrive on being busy but I'm thankful now for some breathing room.

The only thing that happens during this lull is that the things I have pushed to the back of my mind (this blog included) stare at me, flashing like a big red light that I can't ignore anymore. I feel guilty.

I haven't exercised as much as I would like due to an ankle sprain (almost completely healed now, thank you very much).

My office looks like a paper explosion. I need to file things away.

I have a pile of receipts that I need to get into my accounting system for tax season. It now feels overwhelming.

I've neglected every day life. I have to remind myself that it's okay. All of these things can wait till tomorrow.

I'll let Future Jessica worry about it.