Friday, August 7, 2015

Would you hire someone with MS?

Someone pointed out to me, after I shared that I am blogging about my diagnosis, that it could work against me with future employers. Though it is illegal for them to ask any questions about illnesses etc., a quick Google search or click from my LinkedIn profile would point them towards this blog and my diagnosis. They could discriminate against me during the hiring process.

First question: Would I want to work with a company that wouldn't hire me because of my illness? HELLS NO. So I'd be thankful that they discriminated against me and saved me from learning about their true nature on the job.

Second question: Do you know me? If you have worked with or for me, you would know that I hold myself to the highest standard, usually above what any employer would expect. I am my own toughest critic and loudest cheerleader. This blog also shows that in the face of adversity, I tackle it head on.

So am I worried about future employment? No. Nor should I be. Any employer would be lucky to have me.