Monday, August 30, 2010

Weebly Walker

It's been weeks since I posted - with good reason.

Lucas has started walking and for all the parents that read this blog, you'll know that means that I've started running.

New things are within reach. A new level of baby proofing, or should I say toddler proofing has begun. I can no longer safely type while he plays a few feet away.

He's also stronger, being able to lift items that should remain on the ground. Lucas is like He-Man. I just realized he won't know who He-Man is.

When he strings a series of steps together, tears come to my eyes. Tears of joy for the newest accomplishment and tears of sadness for my boy who is growing up. I realize that he isn't the baby I could snuggle in the crook of my arm, he's a big boy who walks and feeds himself. With a fork and spoon.

But he hasn't outgrown everything. He still likes his special good night song with a cuddle from Mommy. And hopefully that won't change anytime soon.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Date Night

Before Lucas was born, my husband and I would reserve Fridays as date night. We would either go out for dinner or order in (so no cooking!) and spend the time catching up on work or discussing things in our life together.

Once Lucas was born, date night all but disappeared. Sure, we still ordered in on Fridays, but that was usually followed by an early bedtime due to our baby wake-up calls. In the craziness of being parents, we lost sight of being a couple.

So this past Saturday, we had a date. Lucas' uncle came over to hold down the home front while the little man slept and we slipped out for a meal and a night of fun. It was dinner and a show at Memories of Japan - the show being the Teppanyaki chef. Then off to Cosmic Bowling where my DH had a turkey (three strikes in a row!).

It was amazing to get out of the house without a child on the hip and re-connect as adults, not parents. Now we just need to make sure it happens regularly.