Monday, August 30, 2010

Weebly Walker

It's been weeks since I posted - with good reason.

Lucas has started walking and for all the parents that read this blog, you'll know that means that I've started running.

New things are within reach. A new level of baby proofing, or should I say toddler proofing has begun. I can no longer safely type while he plays a few feet away.

He's also stronger, being able to lift items that should remain on the ground. Lucas is like He-Man. I just realized he won't know who He-Man is.

When he strings a series of steps together, tears come to my eyes. Tears of joy for the newest accomplishment and tears of sadness for my boy who is growing up. I realize that he isn't the baby I could snuggle in the crook of my arm, he's a big boy who walks and feeds himself. With a fork and spoon.

But he hasn't outgrown everything. He still likes his special good night song with a cuddle from Mommy. And hopefully that won't change anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. Right there with you! Ever since he started walking, he hasn't been content to be in a BCD (baby containment device) such as his Exersaucer or Jolly Jumper.

    But it's fun watching them grow up, eh?

    Good for you, Lucas!
