Sunday, December 19, 2010

Single Santa?

Last Christmas, Lucas was just six months old, thus he wasn't really aware of Santa and presents. Sure, the gift wrap was a hoot to play with, but he couldn't comprehend where the presents came from and why.

In previous posts, I mentioned the four sets of grandparents (and other extended family) that Lucas is lucky to have. Last year, Lucas had a gift from Santa at each house (including ours) as well as a stocking.

This year, he's a little more aware. As I was wrapping presents, he watched and waited, only to try and tear a piece off once complete. He thinks the tree is funny with all its lights and helped us decorate and sing songs.

Next year will be a critical year.

I'm of the mind that Santa should visit one house. Our house. On Christmas morning. I know this takes away a bit of the magic for our grandparents, but I'm also aware of how spoiled Lucas could be thinking Santa leaves a gift for him everywhere. A single Santa visit will be more than enough for Lucas and his grandparents (and family) can spoil him with gifts directly from them. And isn't that still a bit magical too?

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Motherhood brings anxiety and worry. However, I'm pretty open about the anxiety I suffered before I became a mom.

I remember it as far back as my early 20s, but it likely existed before that. I would feel sick on the subway on the way to work, having panic attacks before I knew what they were. Sometimes panic attacks would last for days, taking my appetite along with it. I started dropping weight, not because I was starving myself, but because my stomach would turn and I couldn't finish what was on my plate.

It got to a breaking point where I needed to seek out professional help of a counsellor and a dietitian to get me back on track. And every once in a while, if I find myself in the middle of an anxious moment, I also have medication that can calm me down.

I haven't taken a pill in more than two years and I think it's due to the snuggles.

This weekend, I found myself anxious again - probably worse than I've felt in a long time. Tonight as I put Lucas to bed, tears began to fall and Lucas could sense something wasn't right with me. He looked up at me with his big blue eyes and snuggled in even tighter. Lucas usually reaches for his bed, but tonight he stayed in my arms, his snuggles acting as the best medication of all.

How's that for modern medicine?