Monday, January 3, 2011

Holiday Cheers and Tears

The holidays are always a chaotic time - going from holiday party, to family gathering to work festivities can really run someone down. Our holiday season became so much more difficult on the night of the 23rd.

My husband plays recreational hockey. It's a competitive league and his team is quite skilled. I've gone to watch him play and every once in a while, you see players who play recklessly. Unfortunately, my husband faced such a player, whose rough housing sent my husband careening into the boards. After a sleepless night in emergency at Sunnybrook, my husband had surgery on Christmas Eve to repair a dislocated and broken ankle.

Where was Lucas in all of this? Luckily, his uncle came over (and stayed till 4 am) till we returned from the hospital and his grandparents took him the following day as Daddy went under the knife.

I'll post at a later date about the circumstances of the injury (we're waiting to hear what action the league will be taking), but as you can imagine, our holidays became a lot more complicated with Daddy hobbling around on crutches.

I spent a lot of time in tears - mostly from exhaustion, but also from anger that someone could do this damage to our family and show no remorse (there was no apology following the game). I guess I'm still angry.

Looking ahead, it won't just be the holidays. I am now primarily responsible for all daycare drop-offs and pick-ups, having to alter my own work commitments to my employer and team. I take on the majority of baths, diaper changes, carrying Lucas anywhere/everywhere, putting him in the car, taking him out of the car, picking him up...the list goes on.

It's still questionable if my husband will ever be able to play competitive hockey again. I'd be happy if he's able to take the ice with Lucas and teach him how to play. But you can be sure we'll be teaching him how to play smart.

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