Monday, August 8, 2011

Where Do I Start?

Much has happened since my last entry - each event deserving of its own post, which will come in time.

What has been taking up most of my focus as been the transition into our new home. After securing the keys almost two weeks ago, we have been feverishly moving forward with renovations. I have become the default project manager, driving to every home improvement store to find tile, a toilet, vanity, paint - I even hauled a bathtub on my own.

Where do I find the time you ask? Well, that is one of the most significant pieces of news. I resigned my job.

The team that I worked with was amazing. Some of the most creative, enthusiastic, hard working folks you will ever find. I was good at my job - at least I think so. I enjoyed the client work as well as motivating the team to achieve great results. But I wasn't happy.

When I returned to work after my maternity leave, I was energized and excited. I had been promoted and was ready to tackle the challenges of my new position. About six months in, what I like to call a Perfect Storm occurred. A Perfect Storm is when the universe aligns to try and knock you down. There was a major departure at the office and some major challenges on the homefront (which I have blogged about) that threw me off my game. That period left me drained.

After some long talks with my husband, I made the difficult decision to leave my job, without a new one on the horizon. The change in my life that I have experienced since is considerable. In addition, the outpouring of support that I have received from family and friends has been incredible. It's a scary thing to take this leap and do things on my own terms, however the encouragement that surrounds me has kept me motivated and inspired.

Do I miss it? On some days, I miss the colleagues and the clients who kept me on my toes. But now, the best client of all is the two-year-old boy who challenges me every day to be the best mom I can be.

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