Monday, February 27, 2012

Working from Home - A Solitary Existence

It's been about six months since I officially started my life as a work at home mom (or WAHM). It is not without its ups and downs.

I am a VERY social person. Those who have met me in real life will know that even that is an understatement. So imagine going from working within the buzz of a busy office to a quiet house. When I worked from home on occasion in the past, I was very productive. I would hunker down and plow through billable hours. I loved the focus it gave me and how much I could get done when I wasn't interrupted.

At first, it was bliss. Then I started to get cabin fever. As a person prone to anxiety, being alone with my thoughts was not a good thing. So I switched up my routine. I recognized the importance of having a break in the day, whether it be lunch with a friend/colleague, running errands or treating myself to a pedicure. I also changed my scenery, working from the local Starbucks or taking over a desk at my husband's office.

Skype has also turned into a lifeline into the outside world. In past I've only used it for chats with grandparents, but now it's an IM tool and easy to quickly chat with fellow consultants also working from home.

As for the buzz of a busy office? Having some white noise in the background, whether it be the talking heads debating NHL trades on TSN 1050 or iTunes blaring, it keeps the house from feeling too silent.

Just like at the office, the to do list is never ending and can cause distraction. Taking a trip to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee can turn into 30 minutes of emptying the dishwasher and tidying up. It can be convenient to throw a load of laundry in during the day, but I have to keep it from taking over my day.

So all in all, six months in, I'm enjoying this new set-up even though I've had to adjust my traditional working style. My business has officially launched with a few agencies coming on board to work with me, which gives me the confidence that I made the right decision. Just call me a WAHM.


  1. Yes, working from home is a blessing and a curse all at once. As is working outside the home. I think what gets to me most of all is when I see a mess, I want to clean it whereas if I was working in an office it would be out of sight, out of mind.

  2. I'm the same way! I currently have my office door closed so I don't wander to another part of the house and get distracted.

  3. I work from home but somehow was under the impression that I should keep both my kids home with me during the day. Makes for very long and late nights where I often end up trolling FB and Twitter to help me stay awake instead of finishing my work. ugh. Congrats on launching your business!!!!

    1. Interesting. There was never a question that I was going to keep Lucas in daycare. It would be impossible for me to run components of my business (onsite meetings and support) if I didn't have a steady childcare routine for him. That being said, different strokes for different folks! I would love to have him home during the day, and it would certainly take some financial pressure off, but I wouldn't be able to generate as much revenue.
