Sunday, July 18, 2010

Still Learning

Tomorrow is my dad's birthday. Even though he's on the other side of the country in Vancouver, I know he is always thinking of Lucas. And of me.

I caught a cold during my first week of work. It was to be expected as Lucas got sick his first week in daycare and everyone warned us that we would be a sickly household until Lucas adjusted to the new germs.

So I had a fever, a head cold and lost my voice - quite the return to the office.

I spoke to my dad that weekend and he reminded me that I needed to take care of myself. I was no good to my co-workers, but especially to Lucas if I was ill. Besides me, he's raised twins so he knows of what he speaks. He told me to not let myself get run down, get enough rest and to avoid skipping meals.

I've tried to follow his advice, though lunch is a difficult concept during a busy day. And this weekend, where we found ourselves fighting another bug, we opted for a quiet weekend of playing indoors and napping. It seems to have done the trick.

Just goes to show that we never stop learning from our parents and I will never stop learning from my dad.

Happy birthday Grandpa!

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