Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Life is a whirlwind.

One major change since returning to work - minutes, hours and days seem to fly by. To be fair, there were days during my maternity leave that both dragged and whizzed by, but nothing like I am experiencing now.

It feels like everything is at a breakneck speed. I barely find time for lunch, similar to those early days with Lucas. I have to remind myself to eat, drink water, take a breath.

It's exhilarating. Re-establishing relationships, getting up to speed on projects and finding new opportunities to immerse myself in. I'm really enjoying being back at work, and I haven't felt any twinges of guilt (except the one time I picked up Lucas so close to 6 pm that he was the last one at daycare).

But I wouldn't complain if things slowed down just a bit. I'd like to eat.

1 comment:

  1. It is a crazy pace when you first get back, especially when you're in a new role! You'll find it eases up though and you'll get in to a groove. Not sure there's much hope for lunch though. To get out of the office at a decent time I still get caught scarfing down a sandwich before a meeting as bits fall out of my mouth! I miss the days when I actually found time to head out for lunch! The trick is to bring easy snacks from home and keep a bunch in your desk in case of emergency.
