Sunday, October 17, 2010

He's a Big Boy Now

Lucas has grown by leaps and bounds in the weeks since my last post.

His comprehension has improved greatly, nodding yes and shaking his head no to questions we ask him. Knowing where to go when asking for milk, running to his change table when we say it's time to change his diaper, and yes, crying or pitching a small fit when we deny him something he wants. I know many of my mommy friends said this, but it really is a relief when they finally start to understand you.

His walking is also less weebly wobbly and more steady steps.

He has taken to feeding himself. Sure, he would do this before with finger foods, but now he refuses help in spooning peas, cereal, soup or anything from a bowl. He must do it himself and whines if my fingers near his utensils.

And the best part of all, he's starting saying Mama. Not indiscriminately, but purposefully when he wants my attention or just a snuggle.

I caught myself looking back at photos from his first few days with us, growing slightly nostalgic for the tiny baby boy I held. Next thing I knew, Lucas had walked up to me and wrapped himself around my leg - and I was thankful for the little boy who now can hug me back.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh. I love this post Jessica - especially the last paragraph. It's really sweet.
