Friday, September 30, 2011

After The Dust Settles

Since my last post, I have received so many messages of love and support that I want to start by thanking you all.

One note in particular commented that I must be Superwoman to have survived the miscarriage, left my job, moved house, undergone renovations and start up my own company all within about two months. After seeing that laundry list of life changes, I'm not quite sure how I did it.

First things first - I am not Superwoman. Far from it. Knowing that each one of those life changes on its own carries a significant amount of stress, I'm not sure if I had a choice, I would've done it the same way.

But I didn't have a choice. I needed to pick myself up, dust myself off and move on. In no way does this diminish the upheaval and chaos that was going on, but I really do believe that's what parents do. Keep calm and carry on.

In feeling like I had failed that pregnancy, I could not allow myself to fail my family at that critical time.

And after the dust has settled on our move, my employment shift and the miscarriage, we're happy in our new home, business is swinging and hope for another member of our family has returned. All is well.

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