Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yakkity Yak, Don't Talk Back

As Lucas's language has developed, many mom friends agreed that one day it was like a switch was flipped and talking grew leaps and bounds. For us, that switch flipped last week while in Florida.

Lucas was repeating every new word, confirming how it was pronounced and pointing to whatever we were discussing to ensure he was talking about the correct thing. He was stringing sentences together, asking proper questions and using pronouns. He was constantly talking or singing, as we looked on in amazement about how his comprehension has grown.

I can have conversations with him, asking him about his day and explaining a new concept to him. In turn, he's able to articulate his needs and wants without pitching a fit (though those happen sometimes too).

He's also started to mimic our behaviour. In trying to diminish how often I use the word "No," I started saying "Stop" and putting my hand up. It was only a day until Lucas and I were dancing along in the street party on Main Street USA at the Magic Kingdom when he put up his hand and said "Stop Mama." Believe me, any questionable words have been banished from our house since his ears are finely tuned. This has proved a bit challenging for friends who frequently have cuss words spilling out of their mouths (yes, I'm talking about you IK).

I know that since Lucas is turned ON, there is no OFF, until he becomes a teenager, only speaking monosyllabic words or grunts. For now, I'll take it.

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