Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mixed Feelings

I hadn't intended on writing a blog post today. I only write when a particular topic strikes me, or I feel inspired. However, I stumbled across an article this morning that I couldn't ignore.

Being the pop culture junkie that I am, in addition to my daily check of news sites, I also check out People and Us Weekly online. I don't follow the Kardashian clan closely, save for the articles in these magazines. I don't watch their TV shows on E! and I didn't tune into the wedding (or the beginning of the end in some cases).

Kourtney Kardashian announced her pregnancy - and she is only nine weeks along. In her words, "You're supposed to wait 12 weeks to tell people, but I feel confident."

I too felt confident before. Having had a seamless conception and pregnancy with Lucas, when we got pregnant the second time, we didn't really wait to tell immediate family our news. Who would've imagined in the same week we would share equally heartbreaking news?

So I feel nervous for her. Nervous for this woman that I have never met and am not invested in. Nervous that she trumpeted her pregnancy to the world (and in print reaching 13.1 million readers per week), only because I know how quickly things can go wrong.

I can appreciate her excitement. I can appreciate the elation that one feels. But I also appreciate that no matter how "confident" one can feel, this is something out of a person's control.

So Kourtney, though I wouldn't have done the same in your position, I wish you well.

1 comment:

  1. ugh. I felt the same way. It kind of bothered me the way she put it- "I feel confident". Anyone that has miscarried knows that you can't control what happens during those first few months of pregnancy and, well, I just found the comment kinda flippant and trite. Left a bad taste in mouth. (however, I watch and *gulp* love the show. Sigh.)
