Friday, May 18, 2012

What to Expect - Not What I Was Expecting

I had the opportunity to see a sneak preview of What to Expect When You're Expecting this week thanks to Church and Dwight Canada and First Response. I took a dear friend and neighbour who is currently on maternity leave with her second child. It was a child-free night, filled with popcorn and root beer. Truly decadent.

Once we arrived at the theatre, she asked me if I was going to be okay with the subject matter. For some women, it can be difficult to be around all that pregnancy especially after their own loss. To be honest, I hadn't even thought about it. Maybe that means I've finally moved on - never forgetting but not allowing it to bring me down. When our loss happened, I was surrounded by different pregnancy announcements and births, and though we were sad, I was happy for everyone we knew that was given the chance to have the joy we have with Lucas.

The movie itself was not what I was expecting. How do you do an adaptation on a book that's not fiction, but a guide to pregnancy?

It looked at pregnancy through many different eyes. Some reviews have attacked it saying it was a bunch of cliches, but to me, it mirrored a variety of experiences that women/couples have. If you don't want spoilers, LOOK AWAY NOW!

One couldn't conceive and was going through the adoption process.

One lost her baby.

One idealized pregnancy only to have it be a hellish ride.

One hardly gained weight and had a seamless nine months.

One tried to control the pregnancy and not let it control her life.

When I look at my circle of friends, I have witnessed or experienced each one of these states. So it wasn't a bunch of cliches, but a glimpse that pregnancy is an individual experience. No two pregnancies are alike.

It was also funny. It may only be funny to those that have gone through it, but it was funny nonetheless? Chris Rock is a highlight.

My reaction was also not what I was expecting. After two hours of watching pregnancies and babies, I wasn't sad, but excited to go on that ride again whenever that may be. Likely when I least expect it.

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