Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Gaggle of Grandparents

Lucas has four sets of grandparents. Yes, four sets.

It's a bit of a complicated family tree but both of our parents have divorced and remarried. In addition, some of our stepparents had kids from a previous marriage or had kids with our bio parents in their new marriage. This leaves Lucas with four sets of grandparents and various step/half aunts and uncles. We don't use the step or half terms - in our minds, everyone is important to our little man.

But four sets of grandparents. How lucky is our kid? How lucky are we? Not to mention that Lucas has four great grandmothers and a great grandfather. This can be a mouthful to roll off the tongue so we lovingly refer to them as GG.

However, it can be challenging juggling various family commitments, especially around holidays like Christmas or Easter. Everyone wants to see Lucas which results in a lot of time in the car traipsing all over the GTA, trying to work around nap times and meal times, without disrupting the schedule too much. This is bound to get more difficult as Lucas gets older and inevitably when #2 comes along. With all his gear, it often feels like we're moving out of the house when we go for a visit.

But I keep reminding myself that we are lucky to have so many people that care about our mini-man and are invested in his growth and development. We are lucky.

1 comment:

  1. At least they are in the same relative area. Our relatives are in Europe and Africa - not easy for the quick holiday pass-by!
