Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby Babble

So all I talk about is Lucas. I realized when I'm out with a group of grown-ups, I only have stories that are baby-related. No stories of the latest event at work, no tales of a recent night out/escapade, no discussions around the latest world development. My stories revolve around my kid. His ups, his downs, our latest adventure, the class we're taking, our walk to Starbucks, what he's eating, how he's sleeping. That's it. Am I boring?

Lucas is all-consuming. I wonder what I sound like to my friends without kids. Do I sound like a broken record? A bragging mommy? Or do they understand that this little being is my whole world now.

However, now that we're looking for a new house, conversations now involve the baby and the house hunt. Sometimes I do not recognize the woman in the mirror :)


  1. I hear ya! They really are all consuming aren't they? The thing is... I wouldn't want to be consumed with anything else! :)

  2. Me too- I used to have intelligent, insightful conversation. Now I discuss food choices and diaper sales.
    So much for those degrees:)
