Monday, January 23, 2012

All You Need is a Little Perspective

All mothers worry. It's in our nature. Basically as soon as we know we are growing another human inside of us, all of our wants/needs become secondary.

One of the things I most worry about with Lucas is his language development. He didn't start forming words as fast as some of his friends who are younger than him. Sentences didn't come easily. His diction and pronunciation are not as clear. I know boys usually develop at a slower rate than girls but I still worried.

Then I looked back at this video in the fall. It was taken last Easter in our old house - Lucas's first Easter egg hunt. It's rather long but the most critical thing I remember is at the end of the video, we ask him to say Happy Easter and he just emits some sounds. He had very few words and that was less than a year ago.

Now he asks "What you doing, Mama?" and says "Thank you Mama for making dinner." It puts all my worrying into perspective that only several months ago, he couldn't communicate at all and now he is forming sentences. Yes, it may be slower than some of his friends, but he is still progressing, picking up new words every day.

Getting this perspective also helps me relax as a mom. Lucas is doing just fine. And so am I.

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