Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Routines

Time has flown by. Ten days ago I was returning to my career and now maternity leave feels like a lifetime ago.

The most challenging part is finding a rhythm in a new routine.

If we are lucky enough to wake up before Lucas (and not wake him in our movement around the house), we hope to get showers in along with any other prep. If Lucas wakes up, our routine shifts again as he needs a change and a bottle, with one of us tending to him as the other gets ready.

Then if we are lucky enough to get out the door, who's dropping Lucas at daycare - made infinitely more difficult this week with my office in the G20 red zone and cautions about driving to work.

Fast forward to 5 pm. Picking up Lucas, getting him home, trying to have a family meal together without getting dangerously close to bedtime.

Sprinkle in Lucas getting sick, then me getting sick and it's been an interesting week and a half.

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