Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Changing of the Guard

The weather has been so nice that Lucas and I have been taking some epic walks along the Danforth. Every other mother in my neighbourhood has also got the same idea as we pass by mother after mother pushing a stroller.

Many are new moms, indicated by the bucket car seat attached to their stroller. It reminds me of last summer, when I first ventured out of the house after Lucas' birth. I liken it to the changing of the guard.

Have you ever been on a resort vacation for 10 to 14 days? You meet people the first week, but inevitably they depart after seven days. You watch the next wave of folks coming in and walk around the resort, trying to figure out where everything is, how the restaurants work, what drinks to order, etc. You may even chat with some of them, but you know you're leaving in a few days, so your investment in making new friends is minimal.

I feel the same way when I see these new moms. I met some really great moms while I've been on maternity leave and some even turned into friends I hope stay in my life for some time. I see these new moms, just starting their adventure and I want to reach out and get to know them, but it's tough knowing that it will be for such a short time. And soon time will become even more limited when I return to work.

Selfishly, I want these last few weeks to just be Lucas and I (with my husband in the mix of course). And selfishly, I want to make sure to spend time with mom friends that it will get more difficult to find time to visit once life gets in the way.

Enjoy the next year ladies. It will go faster than you can even imagine.

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