Sunday, May 30, 2010


We have found a daycare spot.

When Lucas was still in utero, we put ourselves on the waiting lists of two local daycares that provide infant care. Really, at least a year in advance has to mean we have a shot, right?


My return date to work is fast approaching and we were the next NEXT spot on our preferred daycare. So a back-up plan needed to be put into place.

We started to look into home daycare providers. At first, we were disappointed. Again, I will remind loyal readers that my mom has been in daycare for 30 years, so I was looking for a certain experience. We met some very lovely home daycare providers, however the experience that Lucas would have in their home left much to be desired from my perspective. With some, it didn't even look like kids were in the home on a regular basis.

But then a saviour came in the form of a mommy friend I met through Rainbow Songs. She had a space in a home daycare centre for her son in September and suggested I give them a call. The centre is in the preferred neighbourhood for our house hunt so it seemed ideal as we would avoid pulling Lucas out of familiar surroundings if we find a house.

I called Friday. They had a spot for June! Even better, we went for a tour on Saturday and were extremely pleased with what we found. The parent references provided gave us additional peace of mind and we're calling tomorrow to confirm the spot.

It's bittersweet but I can rest easy that Lucas will be in good hands. Hallelujah!

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