Sunday, May 2, 2010

Daycare Dilemma

Let me preface this post by saying my mother works in daycare. She has my entire life and I truly believe she is the gold standard of early childhood educators. My mother has been the supervisor at three different centres but has returned to teaching as she really enjoys being with the kids.

I'm returning to work in June - and child care is becoming an urgent issue.

We put Lucas on waiting lists for two centres in our area before he was born and surprise, surprise, we still don't know if he has a spot. We're now looking into home care providers but my background knowledge of childcare through my mother really makes me quite picky.

Activities are important - not just playing with toys but experimenting with arts and crafts, improving cognitive skills, hand/eye coordination as well as language skills.

On the plus side, the cost savings are significant.

But I wonder about if we will put him into the right place for him - that will help him grow and develop the way we hope he will. That will provide him with direction and care and love.

And don't even get me started on the career mom guilt that is creeping up on me.

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