Friday, May 14, 2010

One Month

The countdown continues. Today marks one month till I return to work from maternity leave.

I was in the office a few weeks ago, firming up details of my return. It was so good to see my colleagues and talk about topics that didn't include poopy diapers, mushy food and sleep schedules.

It got my juices flowing.

Then I think about the fact that Lucas will spent 10 hours of his day with someone else. It's heartbreaking.

Even though it's heartbreaking, it's also a relief. And for that I feel guilty. I will get a break from the feeding, changing, napping, singing etc. As much as I enjoy it, it's tiring, exhausting, draining - all of the above. Is it horrible that I'm looking forward to pouring my energy into something else for a change?

Lucas is by far my best work. Really, our best work. And he will always be the best but I am excited about a change of pace. It's very similar to the change of pace I was anticipating before maternity leave. But now I know what to expect.

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