Sunday, April 25, 2010

Body Breakdown

I wasn't warned what would happen to my body after pregnancy.

I'm not talking about stretch marks or baby weight - I knew those were coming.

I'm talking about the aftermath of growing another person inside of you.

My knees and hips are not the same - a long walk, even with my insoles leaves my knees and hips sore.

Something is up with my kidneys - undergoing a battery of tests to figure it out. Not worried - yet.

My migraines have worsened.

Muscles in my shoulders and back are always in knots. It may be time for another massage.

I seem to have developed some allergies. Seeing an allergist this week to determine if my previous "no allergies" status has come to an end.

My eyesight has worsened.

I feel like my body took an incredible toll, with energy, nutrients and support in growing Lucas, and now that he's out, it's been left in a rundown, ragged state.

He's completely worth it.


  1. Totally worth it! My hip was so sore and made this awful clicking sound when I climbed stairs but it eventually went away around the 1 year mark. So did the constant fatigue from having absolutely no iron reserves left in my body.

  2. Ooohhh. I'm hopeful I'll return to a semi-normal state then!
