Friday, April 2, 2010

A Playdate? Here's my Mommy Card

A few months ago, the Globe and Mail had an article on Mommy cards. Calling cards to pass out at the playground when you meet another mom, with all the vitals for getting in touch to coordinate a playdate. What a great idea! So I went online and ordered up cute little monkey cards for Lucas.

I finally gave out a couple at Rainbow Songs this past week - and got a few snickers from moms I know. They found it amusing (and telling) that I would be so organized to have them. I know it seems old-fashioned in the age of smartphones and social networks, but with a wriggling baby, it's difficult to type in a name and phone number, and with the previously mentioned absent-mindedness, still be able to remember which mom/baby it was. And I feel weird creeping a mom I've met once on Facebook.

So the monkey cards are it!

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