Friday, April 16, 2010

No Solicitors, No Junk Mail

There has been some debate on Twitter about mom bloggers being paid for their reviews or something of the like. I'm not really going to debate whether this is right or wrong, but it has got me thinking about any potential solicitations I may receive.

Full disclosure: I work in public relations. In fact, the agency I work for is very active in the social media space. I started a blog and now I am also a member, however loosely, of this group of "mommy bloggers" (I know some hate the term - please forgive?).

So what happens if I receive an offer to review a product, or participate in a service/event? What if I receive this offer from a competitive agency or from a company that is a competitor of one of my clients? Now, I'm not sure my blog is the target market for anyone out there, but seeing as I work in the industry, how should I handle an offer?

I've simplified it. I will decline all offers. Any product/brand/service/event I blog about will be because I simply love/hate it without prompting from anyone. Then those that know me will know I'm not promoting a client's brand because I have a soapbox/blog or because I was given something for free to test out.

I will simply pass along any offers I receive to the other great bloggers I follow - and there are many. And I look forward to what they have to say.

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