Saturday, April 3, 2010

House Hunt - Baby Edition

We're looking for a new house - not "new" but new to us. We've been in our current home for almost five years and after sourcing out costs for a major renovation to expand our living area, we've determined it's more efficient and cost-effective for us to sell up. Lucas was a major factor in this decision as we would have had to move out for 4-6 months, in the midst of him starting daycare and me going back to work.

It's amazing how my focus during house hunting has changed from five years ago. I suddenly see kitchens or rooms that are poorly organized for a baby/toddler. The wine rack in the island is beautiful, but all I can envision is little hands grabbing and smashing bottles. The floating staircase is gorgeous, but where will I attach a baby gate? The walk-in closet/ensuite in the master is fantastic, but in making the third bedroom smaller, I see fights between siblings about who has the bigger room. Where will I put the stroller, snow suits in winter, toys, clothes etc.? Some of the homes we've been in would never function as a family home, and I'm convinced the families that currently live there have figured this out, thus why they are moving.

The other is school district and neighbourhood vibe - again, something we put little to no thought into the first time round, but now we ask what's the closest primary school and what is their rating? Are there other kids on the street (usually a giveaway with hockey nets in driveways)? Where is the library, park, arena? My husband wants a street where he can play road hockey with Lucas without yellng "CAR" every five minutes.

If anyone at HGTV reads this blog, I may be willing to discuss a great show idea re: a family-friendly reno show. But only as a producer - I don't do on camera since I now look like a harried, overtired mom. Speaking of which, if there are any makeover show producers that read this blog...

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