Sunday, April 4, 2010


We're finally home after Easter celebrations with two sides of the family. As kids of blended families, we're used to having several celebrations around holidays, but today was especially rough.

Lucas woke up at 10:30 last night and wouldn't go back to sleep for about an hour. Repeat this scenario at 2 a.m. Though we didn't do co-sleeping when Lucas was a baby (to be honest, I didn't know much about it to determine if it was something we wanted to do), I brought Lucas into our bed to see if it would calm him down long enough to eventually be transferred to his own bed. Though he snuggled for a bit, he just loved being near us and was close to kicking my husband out of bed.

He did eventually succumb to sleep, but the damage was done. We've been walking zombies all day. Lucas usually is a great sleeper, so the odd off night really turns us upside down. I'm guessing it's a combination of growth spurt and teething - nothing that a shot of whiskey before bed won't cure. For me, not Lucas :)

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