Saturday, April 17, 2010


Lucas is crawling as well as pulling himself up on his knees by grabbing onto pieces of furniture. Sure, he's bumped himself several times, but nothing that a quick kiss hasn't made better.

We were at a friend's house about a week ago, visiting them and their new baby when Lucas pulled himself up on their coffee table. I was behind him, loosely holding him steady as he stood up reaching for a magazine. In the blink of an eye he slipped and bumped his chin, resulting in biting his tongue and a little blood.

Before you pick up the phone to call children's services, this was his first true injury, blood and all, and a few minutes later was happy as can be, playing with his toys.

Fast forward to this week on the road, with a vast hotel room for him to explore. As he held onto the side of the bed, trying to pull himself up, again he slipped, bumping his forehead on the bed frame (thankfully cushioned by a bed skirt). The faintest of bruises appeared but a little ice and there is no trace.

Again, please refrain from calling children's services. I do watch him and he's had his share of bumps. But why is it always that the bumps he takes when out and about are always worse? It's like a badge to notify everyone that you are a bad parent, when it rarely, if ever, happens at home.

I am a good parent. Truly, I am.


  1. So true. My guy used to do the exact same thing. He would never hurt himself at home but the first time I took him to a friend's house (whom I hadn't seen in years at that point)Dylan had his first encounter with a glass coffee table and the results weren't pretty! He pulled himself up and smacked the bridge of his nose on the way back down giving himself a couple of black eyes for about a week. Who won mother of in 1997????? Need you guess? lol

  2. I'm convinced he wants to make me look bad. And maybe get some sympathy :)

  3. It could also be as simple as he knows his way around home and is less used to new environments and since he's in testing-his-limits mode, it's more likely the accidents will happen in spaces he's less familiar with.

  4. Leslie, that is a great explanation. I hadn't thought of that!
