Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Suddenly Sensitive

Since the beginning of my pregnancy, I have become more sensitive to the things that I read, listen to and watch. I would cry at the sad little salt shaker who is out the rain, left off the family's dinner table. Certain songs would make me teary-eyed and I had to put down certain books if they had children being neglected or violence of any kind. My viewing/reading/listening habits have become light and puffy. Sure, I've always loved a good chick lit novel, but now, it's all I can stand to consume.

Now, I should preface this by saying that I've become more prone to anxiety in my adult life - and the weirdest things can cause a bit of a panic or anxious state. But I've never had such a 180 degree turn than I have had in the last 18 months. I no longer watch 24 or any TV show of a violent nature (likely a blessing). Movies are the same - only lighter, comedic fare seems to settle well with me. I've eliminated any "blue" music from my iPod (think David Gray etc.). When I'm reading, if it's not parenting books of some sort, then it's the aforementioned chick lit.

I'm sensitive to a child crying on TV - and am instantly disturbed and turned off of whatever I'm watching if this happens. I often have to leave the room. Early on in my pregnancy, I couldn't even get through Wall-E without a panic attack. At that point, my hormones were still bouncing off the walls, but I find it really hasn't calmed down since Lucas was born. A few other mothers I've talked to have experienced this same sensitivity, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm just a suck.

But that damned salt shaker gets me every time.

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