Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nine Months On, Nine Months Off

I read that it takes as long to shed the baby weight as it does to put it on. And that nursing will help lose weight. In my case, this seems to be true but I think there is another factor.

I forget to eat. The little man goes down for his nap and I start on the long to do list of things I want to get down while he's asleep. Work out, laundry, a blog post, respond to email, nap...the list goes on and on. Often eating falls to the bottom of the list. I look up and it's 2:30 and Lucas is rousing from his nap, yet I haven't eaten anything.

I'm waiting to hit the wall. I know I can't go on like this. And the adage "sleep when your baby sleeps" doesn't really translate well to eating.

Maybe I need to spend a day on the weekend preparing snacks for the week, similar to how I prepare Lucas' meals for the week.

Or maybe I should get an IV?

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